Our third international meeting “My European place” 10-12 August 2021

During the period of 10-12 August 2021 in Osilo, Italy, was carried out the third international meeting of the project “European future is our future”.

 Published on 25.08.2021

During the period of 10-12 August 2021 in Osilo, Italy, was carried out the third international meeting of the project “European future is our future”. It aims to hear voices of the periphery of EU about migrant crises, debate about European problems, exchange practices about main problems: social inclusion minorities people with fewer opportunities, unemployment, NEET-s etc.. he event will contribute to the achievement of the both project SO: the first regarding exchange of good practices for important issues of local self-government and the second regarding civil participation of people with fewer opportunities. The event will contribute to reach the needs of the citizens and local authorities of exchange the good practices about European issues that reflected to local self-government as migration crisis. To be close to European Agenda in the frame of the project pay attention to the main problem for EU and all the world COVID -19 situation and how local authority deal with it. In the frame of the meeting was carried out Conference “Our voice has to be heard, the rebirth of Europe and its suburbs after the pandemic” aims to share experience and change the good practices about how local authority faced the Covid-19 and how deal with pandemic situation. On the second day was carried out Seminar “Our European problems and our decisions”. Each partner presents their experience for social inclusion. In the event took part 60 participants - 16 of them invited, representatives of local authorities, decision makers and citizens from the project partner`s countries: Municipality of Aksakovo (Bulgaria) with 5 participants leaded by Secretary of the Municipality – Nadka Simeonova; Municipality of Vila Nova de Cerveira (Portugal) with 3 participants; Municipality of Nova Gorica (Slovenia)with 4 participants; Municipality of Dalgopol (Bulgaria )with 4 participants leaded by Mayor of the municipality- Georgi Georgiev.

The Programme of event could be found here

On the first day 10 August 2021 the conference was opened by Giovanni Ligios, Mayor of Osilo and Mayor of Dalgopol /beneficiary of the project/ – Georgi Georgiev, Nadka Simeonova – Secretary of the Municipality of Aksakovo, Manuella Ferreira – Coordinator from Vila Nova de Cerveira and Mateja Zoratti – Coordinator from Nova Gorica .

TThe project manager – Mrs. Neli Petrova presented the project “European future is our future”. The presentation could be found here

The representatives of local and regional authority present their point of view about COVID-19 situation and debate about main European issues:

Andrea Murgia (European Commission official): The Resilience Strategy of European Regions

Alessio Tola (Rectoral Delegate for Technology Transfer - University of Sassari): The Recovery and Resilience Plan and the central role of innovation in the future of European territories

Maria Lucia Piga (Lecturer in General Sociology - University of Sassari): Gender rebalancing in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. The presentation could be found here

Andrea Soddu (Mayor of Nuoro and President of the Council of Local Authorities of the Region of Sardinia): Recovery and resilience in Sardinian communities.

Salvatore Sanna (President Acli – Italian Christian Association of workers - Provincial Sassari): The role of associationism in recovery plans.

Simone Campus (Director of LAG Anglona Romangia): Rebirth for rural people: the LAG Anglona Romangia Projects. The presentation could be found here

Each partner share practice about Covid-situation and how local authority met challenger to deal with it.

Mrs. Neli Petrova- Coordinator from Aksakovo Municipality (Bulgaria). The presentation could be found here

Mrs. Tsvetanka Velikova- municipal employee of Dalgopol Municipality (Bulgaria). The presentation could be found here

Mrs. Manuela Ferreira – project coordinator for Vila Nova de Cerveira (Portugal). The presentation could be found here

The programme went on the lunch and visiting sightseeing in Osilo.

The second day 11 August 2021 was opened by Giovanni Ligios, Mayor of Osilo in the Castelsardo.

In according the programme started with Seminar “Our European problems and our decisions”.

Each partner present projects and good practices regarding social issues in their local place and country.


Mrs. Neli Petrova- Coordinator from Aksakovo Municipality (Bulgaria) ; The presentation could be found here

Mrs. Tsvetanka Velikova- municipal employee of Dalgopol Municipality (Bulgaria); The presentation could be found here

Mirko Marongiu (PLUS Director): The PLUS (Local Unitary Plan of Services to the Person) Anglona Coros Figulinas. The presentation could be found here

Valentino Canu (Councilor for Social Services of the Municipality of Osilo): The Citizenship Income. The presentation could be found here

Raffaela Posadino (Councilor for Social Policies of the Municipality of Castelsardo): projects for the inclusion of mentally ill people.

Mateja Zoratti-prоject expert of Municipality of Nova Gorica, Slovenia. The presentation could be found here

Mrs. Manuela Ferreira – project coordinator for Vila Nova de Cerveira (Portugal). The presentation could be found here

On the third day 12 August 2021 participants visited city of Alghero. They have opportunity to gain knowledge of the history and culture of North Sardinia.

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