A - responsible work - 68 73%
B - creativity - 55 59%
C - private property - 7 8%
D - being innovative - 63 68%
E - solidarity - 65 70%
F - owning a private company - 10 11%
G - leading a healthy lifetyle - 33 35%
A - constantly observes the functioning of state authorities - 58 62%
B - constantly criticises the government - 9 10%
C - emphasises the authorities' obligation to promote and protect human rights - 63 68%
D - draws up a petition - 32 34%
E - writes a public call - 27 29%
F - does nothing, just waits for situations to happen on their own - 5 5%
G - takes part in a protest - 25 27%
H - participates in a boycott - 15 16%
I - gives suggestions/ideas for local authority - 68 73%
A - yes - 61 66%
B - no - 32 34%
A - yes - 60 65%
B - no - 33 35%
A - yes - 47 51%
B - no - 46 49%